The Catalan Data Protection Authority (APDCAT) and the School of Public Administration of Catalonia (EAPC) have published the fifth video in the series ‘Let’s talk about personal data’, which focuses on resolving frequent doubts regarding access to health data of relatives.
Based on a dramatized conversation, APDCAT expert Carlos López answers the doubts of a citizen who wants to access data about the health status of his sick mother. Based on the conversation, the video clarifies in which cases and circumstances access to specific information about the health status of third parties is legal, even if they are relatives. It also addresses these issues regarding access to the medical history of others, and the exercise of the rights of access, rectification, deletion, etc., before the health center. The video was produced with the collaboration of Àlex Esteve.
It also explains the particularities of the right to portability, in case of wanting to change medical center; the casuistry regarding participation in clinical trials with respect to the personal data provided, and the participation of health students in patient consultations without consent, among others.
Bringing privacy closer
The new video is part of the series 'Let's talk about personal data', jointly promoted by the APDCAT and the EAPC since 2022 to bring basic concepts about privacy with an informative objective, and is available on its website and on the YouTube channel.
The other videos available delve into topics such as the value of personal data, video games and access to our data, extended reality and the protection of personal data, and the risks of artificial intelligence.
The initiative is part of a joint project designed to raise awareness and disseminate the importance of data protection, with appropriate supports and channels for all audiences. In this sense, in addition to the videos, the project includes a series of podcasts, through which a more in-depth analysis is made on the different topics. They are available on the APDCAT website and on the main podcast platforms (Spotify, Amazon Music, Pocket Casts, Castbox and Ivoox).
The Catalan Data Protection Authority and the School of Public Administration of Catalonia publish the fifth video in the series 'Let's talk about personal data', which brings the public closer to the key points to take into account to protect their privacy in an entertaining way