The director of the Catalan Data Protection Authority, Meritxell Borràs, has pledged to join efforts to improve the response to sexist digital violence. In the framework of the debate table "Policies for a feminist digital space" within the "FemBloc conferences. Feminist approaches to digital violence", Borràs defended that we need to work together to integrate specialized knowledge in data protection and violence digital chauvinists to find the most agile and effective tools to defend ourselves against the old and new forms of violence that appear in the digital world.
In this sense, he added that the digital environment amplifies the damage due to the great power of viralization that the networks have and, therefore, it is necessary to open a specific path for the training and awareness of vulnerable people and also of those who they provide support in risky situations. Thus, it has opted for the training of trainers in the field of digital sexist violence.
The director recalled the power granted by the right to data protection to stop data processing in risky situations, and encouraged women to exercise it.
The director, Meritxell Borràs, has participated in the debate table "Policies for a feminist digital space", as part of the "FemBloc Days. Feminist approaches to digital violence".