The APDCAT organizes a session to analyze the needs of entities, associations and volunteer staff in matters of data protection and establish bridges of collaboration.
Date29.11.2021 - 29.11.2021
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The Catalan Data Protection Authority (APDCAT) is organizing a session on 29 November on “New challenges in data protection in the third sector”. The aim is to analyze the needs of entities, associations, foundations and other bodies in the social and cultural field in terms of data protection and collaborate to respond to them.
The director of the APDCAT, M. Àngels Barbarà, will be in charge of opening the day, which will feature people representing the world of the third sector, volunteering and associations. In this sense, the head of the Association Support Department of the Fundació Catalana de l’Esplai (Fundesplai), Víctor Garcia, will talk about “New challenges in data protection in the third sector”.
Next, there will be a round table “Data protection in associations and volunteering”, moderated by Blanca Peraferrer, chief of Inspection and Technical Area of the APDCAT, with the intervention of the director of Institutional Relations, Training, Consulting and Studies of the Pere Tarrés Foundation, Rafael Ruiz de Gauna; the secretary of the Council of Associations and Volunteering of Catalonia, Marc Viñas, and the delegate of data protection and head of strategic projects of the APDCAT, Joana Marí.
The event will take place at 10.30 am and can be followed online.
Attendance is free, but prior registration is required:
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