In view of the regulations of data protection personal, it would not be justified to give the information to which it is intended to access in so far as it can work out highly invasive of the privacy of the persons affected and that can be evident there information related to the eventual responsibilities which persons in the service of the entity in relation to the detected irregularities have been able to commit in the economic and countable management of the entity between years 2013 and 2019, but it would be necessary to anonymize the information. However, yes that it would be possible to facilitate aggregated information, so that the number of suspicious persons does not allow to identify the persons affected, about whether there have been expenses that are considered irregular, of having made use presumedly irregular of the credit cards and if one of them is not linked occupationally to the company, the categorization of the expenses that have originated the suspicions of the commission of irregularities without facilitating the detail, as well as the actions adopted by the company to require responsibilities.