- Administrative procedure
- Social services
- Subsidies
- Public administration
- Local administration
- Council
- Councillors
- Public administration
- Local administration
- Council
- Councillors
- Duty of secrecy
- Quality principle
- Right of access to information
- Councillors
The access to the information about the name and surnames and neighborhood where they live of the beneficiaries for municipal helps on the part of municipal town councilors can remain protected by the right of the town councilors to consult the documentation of which she orders the Town Council necessary for the exercise of its functions, including the data of personal character contained in the information that they request, independently of its condition of members of the government or of the opposition. The possibility of access to the information related to the name and surnames of the beneficiary persons would be fitted out also for the regulations regulatory of the public subsidies, which the advertising of the same ones foresees, in so far as it is a matter of subjected helps to those regulations. This without harm of the fulfillment of the principle of quality and the duty of secret of the town councilors who have access (articles 4 and 10 of the LOPD) there, and the rest of applicable regulations.