The files of the titular Foundation of concerted educational centers that are linked to the provision of the public service of education, are an object of control on the part of the Authority (art. 156.a) EAC and art. 3.f) Law 32/2010). The perception of a subsidy on the part of an entity, only entails that this is in the area of performance of the Authority if there is relation of dependence with respect to a public administration (art. 156.a) of the EAC). The delimitation of the information of the school reports of the pupils who it is necessary to preserve or to cancel, like this how the establishment of conservation deadlines, it can only make itself with knowledge of the concrete treated information, and what he has been able to establish taking the educational Administration into account, and, if it is proper, the Tables of Documental Evaluation, in application of the Law 10/2001, of Archives.