The Instruction of the APDCAT 1/2009, results from application to the data processing for the control of the payment of the rate or toll that is imposed to the circulation of determinate vehicles. The porticos, technological equipments or points of control that they install to themselves in a road, to record the registrations of the vehicles, are not an element comparable to the private, own spaces or relatives to the privacy of the persons. The foreseen data processing within the framework of the regulations (TRLC and LTPPGC, with the modifications introduced by Law 2/2014), has as a purpose to watch and to control the payment of a rate on the part of the Department and, therefore, to ensure the normal functioning of determinate services or public infraestructuras (article 2.e) of the Instruction), and is carried out for the exercise of functions typical of the Department, so that the consent is not required from the ones affected (article 6.2 of the LOPD).