When a system of videovigilància means the catchment of vehicles images to the public way, the regulations of data protection do not give sufficient habilitation to the Town Council to install this system on the public way, because the same can only be carried out by the forces and security corps. In case the applicant town does not have local policeman, only the system of videovigilància could be installed on the public way with regard to the forecasts of the organic Law 4/1997, of videovigilància (LOV), if who control·la the images are the Police that they have competences about the security of the town, with previous request of the authorization of the competent organ. The installation of the system on the part of the Town Council can only be considered legitimate, if the supposition of the article 42.2 of the Law of private security (LSP) is given, in the foreseen terms and conditions in the specific regulations.