The communication of data of the municipal census of inhabitants (PMH) and of the IAE, of the town councils to a public entity of another Administration, is brought up. Article 16.3 LBRL he does not fit out the communication of the datum related to the existence of a contract for rent, for which, and to lack of another rule fitting out, the communication of the town councils to this public entity of the data of the contract for rent brought with occasion of the inscription in the PMH requires the consent of the affected ones. Regarding the data of the IAE, following the consideration that the deposit of bail cannot be considered a non tributary public resource, the communication of the data that are for the management of the tax, requires the previous consent from the affected persons. Consequently, to lack of consent this communication of data is not allowed. In any case, it is necessary to take into account the principle of quality of the data, ex article 4 LOPD.