The first training and exchange activities begin at "DPD en xarxa", the first learning and collaboration community of data protection officers (DPO) in Catalonia, promoted by the Catalan Data Protection Authority (APDCAT).
The first online seminar within the platform will be given by the data protection officer and professor of Administrative Law at the University of Alicante, Rubén Martínez, next October 31, at 12 noon. It will deal with the privacy implications of the new European Data Governance Regulation, which entered into force on September 24 and which includes the safe and broad exchange of certain categories of public sector data. The session will serve to reflect on data as a new asset of the European market and, in particular, to talk about the conditions for reusing certain protected data from the public sector and the rules that make it possible to establish and develop favorable conditions for the exchange of data and for the disinterested transfer of data.
In addition, on November 21 at 12 noon, the head of APDCAT's Legal Advice, Xavier Urios, will give the second seminar, this time with the aim of deepening the processing of personal data in the field police and judicial, regulated by Organic Law 7/2021, of May 26, which established a new framework for the protection of personal data processed for the purposes of prevention, detection, investigation and prosecution of criminal offenses and enforcement of criminal sanctions. The seminar will serve to define the processing of personal data for these purposes, the applicable principles, the obligations of the controller, the rights of individuals and restrictions, the authorities and the sanctioning regime and, finally, video surveillance by the forces and security forces
Also, on December 19 at 12 noon, the coordinator of Audits and Security Data Breach Notification Management (NVS) of the APDCAT, Olga Rierola, will give another online seminar to learn more about what NVS are, to whom, when and how to notify them and, based on examples, learn to assess the risk and know what needs to be done to comply with the regulations.
To participate in these activities, you must be a member of the DPO network community and be properly registered. The network, which since it was presented last July already has more than a hundred members, was born with the aim of contributing to spreading the culture of privacy in Catalonia, awareness and training, of the by the representatives of the Catalan public organizations who ensure compliance with these regulations. It is the first platform of this kind in Catalonia, created to promote cooperation between DPO and share knowledge and expertise.
Privacy guarantors
The new "DPD en xarxa" platform is open to the DPO of the more than 1,700 entities that are part of the scope of action of the APDCAT, which includes public administrations such as the Generalitat, town councils, public and private universities and professional associations, among other organizations. It is also open to public and private entities DPO that provide services to the Catalan public sector, as data processors.
In accordance with the General Data Protection Regulation, the figure of the data protection delegate is mandatory in public institutions and in some private ones, according to their characteristics. The DPO is a guarantor of privacy in organizations, since it ensures that the entity that has appointed it complies with data protection regulations, and it does so with autonomy and independence. It also advises the management and the staff in this matter, and attends to the citizens' requests regarding the rights they have in relation to their personal data processed by the organization.
The learning and collaboration community of data protection officers from Catalonia 'DPD en xarxa' kicks off the first training and exchange activities, including three webinars on the new European Governance Regulation of data, data processing in the police and judicial sphere and notifications of security breaches.