The Catalan Data Protection Authority (APDCAT) and the School of Public Administration of Catalonia (EAPC) are organizing, from May 9 to 23, the Introduction to Data Protection Impact Assessments Workshop (DPIA). This training aims to deepen the importance of the AIPD and how and when to execute it, in accordance with the obligations set out in the regulations.
The workshop, taught by the APDCAT information systems auditor Xavier Puig, is aimed at technical staff of the central and territorial services of the departments of the Generalitat de Catalunya and the local administration, with prior knowledge of data protection data that have among their functions the resolution of issues linked to the regulations of this matter. It comprises a total of 10 hours of training and is taught in a mixed mode, with virtual and also face-to-face sessions. The workshop is included in a training model launched by the APDCAT and the EAPC at the end of 2022, with the aim of making a practical approach to specific and particularly complex obligations relating to data protection regulation.
The Catalan Data Protection Authority and the School of Public Administration of Catalonia launch the Introductory Workshop on impact assessments in data protection, intended for the technical staff of the Generalitat and local administration with prior knowledge in the field.