The Catalan Data Protection Authority (APDCAT) and Public Libraries of Catalonia are launching the second edition of the project “Who are you? Data that talk about you", an initiative designed with the aim of bringing the culture of privacy closer to citizens through fun activities such as magic shows, games, film forums and reading workshops, designed for children, youth and adults.
The Maria Barbal de Tremp public library will be the one to kick off this new edition of the project, with the P@ssW0rd magic show! next October 4 at 5:30 p.m. Specifically, there will be forty activities distributed between libraries in the demarcation of Barcelona, Girona, Lleida and Tarragona and Terres de l'Ebre.
The catalog of activities available to libraries includes the following:
- P@ssW0rd! Magic Show: With magic tricks, children between the ages of 6 and 12 can discover the importance of their digital identity and privacy, and learn about the risks of information sharing, data destruction, geolocation, connected devices, etc.
- MemoriDada: this is a memory game about privacy for children up to 12 years old, with pairs of related drawings and a short explanation in each case, to deepen the risks of the internet, mobile devices, smart toys smart phones, video games, voice memos, passwords, video surveillance, etc.
- Video story 'An exciting journey': for children up to 9 years old, includes the screening of the virtual story 'An exciting journey', which reflects on Jana's experiences in the virtual world.
- Interactive game 'You choose!': this is a game for young people aged 12 to 16, in interactive video format. It develops from the story of two young people who play online and compete with each other. Suddenly, they receive an alert message at the same time asking for help in recovering their personal data, which has been hijacked.
- Book club. 'La cotorra' and 'El tigre bondadós': includes two storytellers for children between 7 and 11 years old, to make them aware of the risks of sharing data with other people.
- Book club. 'QualityLand' and 'The sentimental mutation': these are two science fiction novels, which delve into disruptive scenarios with algorithms, artificial intelligence and an intensive use of technology, and discuss the risks for the privacy and intimacy.
- Cinema discussion 'Ghost in the Shell 2.0', 'Snowden' and 'Catfish': includes the screening of the film and discussion and is intended for a youth and adult audience, to reflect on the privacy implications of new technologies.
The libraries selected for the second phase of this project are the following:
Demarcation of Barcelona
- Municipal Library of Cervelló.
- Library of Montornès del Vallès
- Vilanova i la Geltrú Library Network
- Libraries in Barcelona: Biblioteca Nou Barris-Aurora Díaz Plaja
Demarcation of Girona
- Lluïsa Duran Library (La Bisbal d'Empordà)
- Modest Salse i Camarasa Library (Hostalric)
- Joan Vinyoli Library (Santa Coloma de Farners)
- Girona Public Library Carles Rahola
Demarcation of Lleida
- Maria Barbal Public Library (Temp)
- Sort Public Library
- Lleida Public Library
Demarcation of Tarragona
- Municipal and regional library Salvador Estrem i Fa
- Alcover municipal library
- Tarragona Public Library
Demarcation of Terres de l'Ebre
- Library Marcel·lí Domingo in Tortosa
- Municipal Library Sebastià Juan Arbó in La Ràpita
Second edition underway
The project 'Who are you? Data that talk about you' was presented in January 2023 with the aim of joining efforts to raise public awareness about the protection of personal data from libraries. It is about helping to achieve full awareness of the value of personal data and the importance of protecting it in order to maintain autonomy, independence and freedom in a digital world. Also activate critical thinking regarding the use of technologies and the implications for privacy and cybercrime.
The second edition of the project 'Who are you? Data that talk about you', promoted by the Catalan Data Protection Authority, begins in collaboration with Public Libraries of Catalonia, to bring data protection closer to children, young people and adults, based on magic, games, film forums and reading workshops