The APDCAT, in its firm commitment to the training and awareness of citizens, and especially children and young people, has developed some tools and materials to facilitate the integration of these concepts, often technical and cumbersome, among various groups. An example is the telematic training course for teachers, promoted jointly by the APDCAT and the Department of Education, which aims to provide school staff with the knowledge necessary to incorporate data protection into their work teaching, and convey to students the importance of preserving their privacy.
In the first edition, 136 primary and secondary school teachers from all over Catalonia have passed the course. During the 2021-2022 academic year, the second and third editions of this training activity will take place.
This 45-hour course is organized into six modules, with a final project where teachers show the ability to train students in data protection. The course aims to provide concepts and tools to know the regulations applicable to data protection in education, use effectively the learning achieved in different situations of daily teaching practice and transfer the knowledge acquired to students, as well as to the rest of the educational community.
Among the contents included, the course delves into the right to data protection, personal data, who processes personal data, when and how personal data should be treated, the rights of the data subject and digital rights to the school. The course also features two videos on data protection in education and information protection tips for minors.
This training for teachers is part of the Strategic Plan of the Catalan Data Protection Authority 2020-2022.
Guidelines and frequently asked questions
On the other hand, the APDCAT offers on its website the Data Protection Guidelines for schools and a set of answers to frequently asked questions, in order to bring these concepts closer to the staff working in this specific field, in a simple way. and visual. Also stories, games and other play materials for the little ones. In this way, the APDCAT wants to facilitate the integration of the importance of privacy in the educational community, to raise awareness among children about how important it is to protect their personal data, especially with the use of technology and social networks. .
A total of 136 primary and secondary school teachers from all over Catalonia have passed the first edition of the online training course for teachers, jointly promoted by the APDCAT and the Department of Education.