The Coordinator of Investigation and Instruction of the Catalan Data Protection Authority, Eva Garcia, analyzes this key aspect for those responsible for the processing of personal data from a practical perspective and clarifies when the task of treatment, how the contract with the person in charge should be, and what obligations and responsibilities derive from it, among others, in accordance with the provisions of the European Regulation governing the right to data protection and Organic Law 3 /2018.
These materials are part of a divulgative strategy launched in 2022 between the APDCAT and the EAPC to bring data protection concepts closer to public sector staff. All these resources are available on the APDCAT website, in the School's Open Training space, on the EAPC YouTube channel and on the main podcast platforms (Spotify, Spotify for podcasters (antic Anchor), Amazon Music, Castbox, Pocket Cast, Stitcher i Ivoox).
The podcasts and videos are grouped under the generic title Let's talk about personal data, which brings together the different episodes. The podcasts offer a more in-depth and specialized analysis, and the videos a more general overview and introduce basic concepts about the subject in the public sector field. The first podcast published as part of this project, analyzes the limits between the right of access to public information and the protection of personal data, based on practical examples, by inspector Eva Garcia Garcia. Instead, the video deals with the value of personal data in a practical way, by Joana Marí, the data protection delegate and responsible for strategic projects of the APDCAT.
With these audiovisual resources, the School expands the content it has published openly on the subject over the last few years, in the space of open training, linked to mass, self-learning and deepening courses: Transparency and access to information, MOOC Transparency and data protection: interaction and balance, Basic guidelines on transparency and access to public information (with self-assessment questionnaires), Basic guidelines for the protection of personal data in the public sector (with self-assessment questionnaires ), The processing of personal data in the public sector.
The Catalan Data Protection Authority (APDCAT) and the School of Public Administration of Catalonia (EAPC) have published a new part of the 'Let's talk about personal data' series. This is the second chapter, this time dedicated to the task of treatment.