Coinciding with the European Month of Cybersecurity, this year dedicated especially to phishing and ramsomware, the Catalan Data Protection Authority (APDCAT) has prepared new informative material as part of the campaign #SecureData, designed with the aim of making citizens aware of the need to preserve privacy when using electronic devices and social networks.
Thus, it has published a new animated video with tips to avoid falling for phishing, the so-called phishing, which according to recent studies is the basis of 20% of personal data theft. The aim is to warn and remind citizens of the need to maintain a conscious attitude towards the threats that are increasingly present in the digital world, in order not to lose control of personal data, with serious consequences not only economic, but also for the intimacy, honor and personal and professional development that can come from it.
The new informational material explains in a comprehensible way what phishing consists of, what is the purpose of the fraud and what are the most used methods, with the most common examples of this type of deception. Finally, he touches on a number of tips to avoid phishing, such as not acting rashly and staying calm in the face of suspicious urgent mail or from unknown senders.
The European Cybersecurity Month, promoted by the European Union Agency for Cybersecurity (ENISA), celebrates its 10th anniversary in 2022. This is an annual campaign that aims to focus on aspects that citizens must take into account to guarantee cyber security, in the face of increasingly frequent risks.
As part of the #SecureData campaign and coinciding with European Cybersecurity Month, which this year focuses on phishing and ransomware, the Catalan Data Protection Authority has published a new informative video