The director of the Catalan Data Protection Authority (APDCAT), Meritxell Borràs, and the head of the Legal Adviser, Xavier Urios, appeared this Friday at the presentation of the Parliament of Catalonia that is working on the Democratic Memory Bill .
In his speech, Borràs recalled that the data protection regulations do not apply to deceased persons, but he also pointed out that the regulation does provide for the exercise of some rights by related persons. The director has celebrated that the bill has incorporated this circumstance, and has defended that it must be maintained.
The director added that some of the treatment provided for in the Bill involve the treatment of special categories of data, which deserve higher protection, in accordance with the European Data Protection Regulation. For this reason, he has argued that it is essential that the final wording of the law be very careful when it comes to regulating these treatments and justifying their legal basis.
For his part, the head of the Legal Advice, Xavier Urios, has detailed the content of the legal report drawn up by the APDCAT at the request of the General Directorate of Democratic Memory.
The director of the Catalan Data Protection Authority has appeared in Parliament, in the report that the Democratic Memory of Catalonia Law Project is working on.