The Catalan Data Protection Authority (APDCAT) has presented in Europe 'DPD en xarxa', the first DPO network and learning community in Catalonia, promoted by the Authority. In this sense, within the events commemorating the 20 years of the European Data Protection Supervisor, the APDCAT has participated in a debate together with other European representatives, with more than a hundred people, which has served to deepen the difficult task of DPO, and to value their work.
In particular, the person in charge of the DPO Registry and training and cooperation programs of the APDCAT, Olga Rierola, explained that the Authority promoted this initiative last year with the aim of promoting training, communication , the expertise and the exchange of ideas and experiences between the DPO of the Catalan institutions that ensure compliance with data protection regulations and protect the rights of the persons concerned.
Also that the platform offers specialized training, such as workshops and webinars to provide knowledge and raise concerns about relevant topics, such as the new European legislation on AI and data governance.
In addition, he spoke in particular about the working group underway in the network, which focuses on impact assessments on fundamental rights and freedoms in the field of AI, and which will translate its results into a code of good practices which will be shared with all DPO in the network. In the coming months, he said, another working group will be formed to give advice on how to handle data breach situations.
The Catalan Data Protection Authority (APDCAT) has participated in a debate in Brussels with other European representatives, as part of the events commemorating the 20 years of the European Data Protection Supervisor