The Catalan Data Protection Authority (APDCAT) has today defended the competitive advantage of applying privacy from the start of a project, in the framework of the #MEMEnginy24 congress, organized by the School of Engineering the Autonomous University of Barcelona (UAB) to facilitate links between the business world and students.
The data protection delegate and manager of strategic projects of the APDCAT, Joana Marí, and the coordinator of Information Technology and Security, Albert Serra, defended this in the conference 'Make privacy your competitive advantage' , which has served for future professionals and developers of ICT products and services to learn more about the rights and obligations when dealing with personal data.
In this sense, they have defended a guarantor innovation, and have recalled that certain professional sectors, such as developers, require much deeper and specialized knowledge about the use of data. Thus, they have claimed the need to have safe products on the market, which guarantee the protection of people's rights and freedoms by default.
To facilitate this task, the APDCAT presented to the audience 'Privacy by design and privacy by default. Guide for developers', which incorporates tools and advice to accompany this group in the design of products and services that respect people's rights regarding their personal data.
A space of its own
In addition, the APDCAT has its own space to spread the word among students participating in the congress on rights, obligations and future professions related to privacy, as well as available scholarships.
The Catalan Data Protection Authority (APDCAT) has participated in the #MEMEnginy24 congress, organized by the School of Engineering of the UAB, to spread the importance of designing products and services respectful with digital rights from the beginning, among the university students.