The director of the Catalan Data Protection Authority (APDCAT), Meritxell Borràs, has welcomed this eminently practical conference, led by Alessandro Mantelero, member of the Ethics Committee of the Polytechnic University of Turin, scientific expert for ethical evaluation of the European Research Council (ERC), expert of the European Committee for Data Protection and professor of Private Law and holder of the Jean Monnet Chair of Mediterranean Digital Societies and Law at the Polytechnic University of Turin.
The objective is to provide ethics committees with tools and models to assess the impact of emerging technologies on the rights and freedoms of individuals when personal data is used. During his speech before members of the ethics committees of Catalan universities, Borràs recalled that this initiative meets the objectives of the Authority's Strategic Plan 2023-2028, in terms of promoting awareness and training. For Borràs, it is a matter of making tools available to the ethics committees of the universities that allow for an objective and structured assessment of projects that involve the use of personal data, especially with the use of massive data and technologies such as artificial license.
For his part, Alessandro Mantelero has defended the need for an ethical approach, beyond regulation, when it comes to defending people's rights against artificial intelligence (AI) systems and digital technologies. And it has done so based on examples and practical cases, to assess the impact of AI on ethical values and society.
Mantelero recalled that data ethics has been present in the debate on the development of the most innovative technologies for years, and that beyond regulatory regulation, there are important ethical issues related to the use of AI and digital technologies through front facing.
The Catalan Data Protection Authority has organized a practical workshop given by the expert Alessandro Mantelero, aimed at the ethics committees of Catalan universities, to promote ethics in the use of digital technologies and especially artificial intelligence with regard to Privacy.