The Catalan Data Protection Authority (APDCAT) has brought together experts in the field of new technologies and data protection, within the framework of the conference "How to take competitive advantage of data protection by design and by default", organized to promote debate on how privacy by design can make new products and services more competitive. The conference also hosted the presentation to the Catalan ICT sector of the new guide "Privacy from design and privacy by default. Developer Guide".
During the event, the director of the APDCAT, Meritxell Borràs, recalled that data protection by design and by default is an obligation when processing personal data and added that, inthe European market, complying with data protection is not an alternative. Borràs has argued that, without incorporating data protection in the early stages of the design of products and services, it will be difficult to be competitive in a market where data is an essential asset to generate value. He also pointed out that, in this innovation hub that is Catalonia, data protection is also a tool to position itself with respect to Competitors.
Presentation, presentation and round table
The coordinator of Technology and Information Security of the APDCAT, Albert Serra, has been in charge of presenting the guide "Privacy by design and privacy by default. Guide for developers", prepared by the Authority, to the professional group specialized in the ICT area in Catalonia. The document was prepared with the support of the Catalan Association of Telecommunications Engineering and Digital Technologies and was presented within the framework of the Mobile World Congress 2023, last February.
The event has also served to deepen the field of cybersecurity, by the hand of the expert Genís Margarit, who has given the conference "Privacy in the hands of source code. Good and bad practices."
The table for discussion has revolved around how toincorporate privacy by design in an organization. Moderated by Josep Puy, CEO of Data Risk, the data protection delegate of the Department of Education, Rosa Parrilla; the expert in data protection of the Legal Department of the CTTI, Aida Mariscal; the head of the mHealth.cat Office, Carme Pratdepàdua i Bufill; the solutions manager of the ICT Area of the Department of Social Rights, CTTI, Josep Maria Cabasés; and the head of the Legal Department of the APDCAT, Xavier Urios.
The Catalan Data Protection Authority has organized a conference with experts in the field of new technologies and data protection, in which it has also presented to the professional group of the ICT field in Catalonia the guide 'Privacy from design and privacy by default. Developer's Guide'.