Dimarts 25 d'abril, la Biblioteca de Ponent de Sabadell acull el cinefòrum "Ghost in the Shell 2.0", la primera de les activitats lúdiques i educatives programades durant aquest any dins del projecte 'Qui ets? Dades que parlen de tu', impulsat per l’Autoritat Catalana de Protecció de Dades i Biblioteques Públiques de Catalunya per sensibilitzar la ciutadania sobre la importància de prendre el control de la privacitat.

The Biblioteca de Ponent in Sabadell hosts tomorrow, April 25, at 6 p.m., the first of the activities scheduled for 2023 as part of the "Who are you?" project. Data that speak about you". This initiative is jointly promoted by the Catalan Data Protection Authority (APDCAT) and the Public Libraries of Catalonia, with the aim of bringing the culture of privacy closer to citizens and educating them on the importance of preserving personal information. Specifically, the Sabadell library will host the "Ghost in the Shell 2.0" film forum, which includes the screening of the film and a subsequent debate on the implications of the use of artificial intelligence in the control of one's own privacy
The project, presented last January as part of the European Data Protection Day, includes more than a dozen fun and educational activities for children, young people and adults, which will travel during 2023 through the network of libraries in the demarcation of Barcelona, Girona, Tarragona, Lleida and the Terres de l'Ebre, with the protection of privacy as the protagonist.
The activities scheduled from this spring include shows, reading workshops, film forums, video stories and games for children. Specifically, they are the following activities:
- P@ssW0rd! Magic Show: With magic tricks, children between the ages of 6 and 12 can discover the importance of their digital identity and privacy, and learn about the risks of information sharing, data destruction, geolocation, connected devices, etc.
- TrobaDada: game for children up to 7 years old, which consists of locating scenes about privacy in a drawing. Each scene is represented on a card, which on the back has a small explanation about the specific situation. It will be necessary to find a hacker, computers, surveillance cameras, social networks, connected toys, wifi, etc.
- Video story 'An exciting journey': the activity, for children up to 9 years old, includes the screening of the virtual story 'An exciting journey', which reflects on Jana's experiences in the virtual world. Thus, he explains how the protagonist dreams of traveling to Techland, a "crowded place where everyone has fun". But he soon discovers how, sometimes, the friends he meets there are not really who they say they are.
- Reading workshops. 'La cotorra' and 'El tigre bondadós': includes two storytellers for children between 7 and 11 years old, whose protagonists are a parakeet and a falcon, in the first case, and a tiger, in the second. The stories serve to make children aware of the risks of sharing data with other people. After the dynamic readings of the stories, there will be a small debate for joint reflection.
- CursaDada: simulating a traditional goose game, the players, children up to 10 years old, must advance on a giant board located on the floor and reflect on the situation that appears in each square. Passwords, hackers, networks, phishing, intelligent robots, wifi or shared selfies are some of the topics covered.
- Reading workshops. 'QualityLand' and 'La mutació sentimental': activity aimed at people over 18 years of age to promote reflection around these two science fiction novels, which delve into disruptive scenarios with algorithms, artificial intelligence and intensive use of technology, and discuss the risks to privacy and intimacy.
- Cineforum 'Ghost in the Shell 2.0': screening of the film and subsequent debate for people older than 18, on the implications of the use of artificial intelligence in the control of one's privacy.
Consult the schedule by following this link. In addition to these already scheduled, the calendar will be gradually updated, with around twenty more activities in a dozen libraries.
Presentation in Barcelona and Lleida
The project "Who are you? Data that speaks about you" was presented last January and was born with the aim of raising awareness among citizens about the protection of personal data from libraries. On the one hand, we want to help children grow up fully aware of the value of their personal data and the importance of protecting it, to preserve their autonomy, independence and freedom in a fully digital world. With regard to adults, the aim is to activate critical thinking in everyday situations involving the use of technology and also to establish warning and protection mechanisms against situations that could lead to data loss, beyond the cyber attacks
The Barcelona Sant Pau-Santa Creu Library and the Lleida Public Library hosted two activities in January to celebrate European Data Protection Day. Specifically, the magic show P@ssW0rd! and the reading of the story 'La cotorra'.