The Catalan Data Protection Authority (APDCAT) participated from October 15 to 20 in the 45th edition of the Global Privacy Assembly (GPA), together with more than a hundred authorities and international organizations linked to data protection. The meeting has served to share knowledge and experiences and analyze the differences in the regulation of privacy protection in different regions around the world, as well as debate the risks of new technological developments and the accelerated use of technologies such as artificial intelligence, algorithmic programming, automated decision-making or the blockchain.
As part of the meeting, which took place in Bermuda, the participating authorities signed several resolutions to show their commitment in different aspects, such as privacy in generative artificial intelligence systems, artificial intelligence and employment, the adoption of data protection standards to ensure high levels of data protection and privacy worldwide and also data protection in the field of health and research.
During the celebration of the event, the director of the APDCAT, Meritxell Borràs, and the head of the Legal Advisory Service, Xavier Urios, held meetings with representatives of other international data protection organizations, such as the special rapporteur from the United Nations on Privacy for the Human Rights Council, Ana Brian Nougrères; the commissioner of Data Protection of Portugal, Paula Meira, the commissioner of the National Institute of Transparency, Access to Information and Data Protection of Mexico (INAI), Josefina Román Vergara; Future of Privacy Forum CEO Jules Polonetsky and Global Privacy Vice President Gabriela Zanfir-Fortuna. Also with the representatives of the authorities of Bermuda, Alexandre White, and of Argentina, Beatriz Anchorena.
The Catalan Data Protection Authority has participated in the Global Privacy Assembly 2023, the international event that annually brings together nearly 130 data protection authorities from around the world, to exchange experiences and analyze the new challenges in this area , especially with the emergence of new technologies.