The Catalan Data Protection Authority (APDCAT), the General Directorate of Digital Administration and the School of Public Administration of Catalonia (EAPC) organize, from May 16 to July 19, the Course for referents in data protection. The course is aimed at the technical field of the departments of the Generalitat and its institutional public sector, with previous knowledge of data protection, which exercise functions related to the actions of the different departments or entity of the public sector in the field of data protection.
The course, of 60 hours and blended modality, will deepen in the matter considering different sectorial regulations and will serve to identify critical points to take into account in each step of the processing of personal data. It will address the following topics:
- Processing of personal data: principles of data protection and bases of legitimacy of the treatment. Special reference to the processing of special categories of data.
- Transparency and the right to information.
- Organization of data protection. The role of the data protection referent.
- Cybersecurity framework for data protection (MCPD) of the Administration of the Generalitat (AGC). Concepts and tools.
- GDPR compliance procedures and methodologies in the AGC.
- Data processing in the police and criminal justice field.
- The figure of the data protection delegate.
- Supervisory authorities and the European Data Protection Board (EDPB).
- Right of access to public information, active advertising and data protection.
- The rights of interested persons.
- Electronic administration and data protection.
- Data protection and digital transformation of the AGC.
- Data processing in resource management.
- Data processing for statistical, archiving in the public interest and research purposes.
- International transfers.
- Emerging technologies and data protection.
- The Catalan Data Protection Authority: appeals, liability regime, NVS.
The Catalan Data Protection Authority, in collaboration with the Directorate-General for Digital Administration and the School of Public Administration of Catalonia, organizes the Course for Data Protection Referents, aimed at staff of the Generalitat and its public sector specialized in the subject.