Faced with the proximity of high-profile commercial campaigns such as Black Friday, the Catalan Data Protection Authority (APDCAT) has launched an informational campaign to sensitize consumers to the value of their personal data and the "price of giving away them". Thus, it has released a new informative video, with recommendations to limit the transfer of personal data as much as possible when making commercial transactions and to be alert to buy safely.
The APDCAT recalls that the data protection regulations establish that only the minimum data necessary for the specific purpose pursued must be processed, even if the consent of the affected person is obtained. In this sense, it invites citizens to maintain a conscious and proactive attitude towards their privacy and to ask themselves in each case what data they are willing to give up, if it is really necessary and the consequences associated with doing so.
And the fact is that there may be commercial or advertising links behind it that the consumer is not really aware of. Precisely, the APDCAT reminds that the consent granted to process personal data can be revoked at any time, and that this action must be as easy and accessible as the transfer of data itself.
According to recent studies on the management of personal data on the internet in Europe, only 39% of users read the privacy policy statements before providing personal data, while the percentage of people who check that the website where provide their data is safe is still lower, 36%.
Tips to be alert
Specifically, this campaign aims to raise public awareness not to give away personal data and to be alert so that purchases "don't turn out to be expensive". Thus, it affects the need to maintain a conscious attitude regarding the devices used, telecommunications networks, purchase platforms, etc. and highlights several factors to consider:
- Equipment security
- Communications security
- Safe shopping and establishment guarantee
- Scams
- Bank details
Around these aspects, the APDCAT publishes a series of tips for citizens, to strengthen the security of their online purchases and highlight the importance of controlling the exposure and dissemination of their personal data, such as to the central axis of the protection of your privacy.
Coincidint amb la propera edició del Black Friday, l'Autoritat Catalana de Protecció de Dades posa en marxa una nova campanya per conscienciar sobre el valor de les dades personals i "el preu de regalar-les"