The Catalan Data Protection Authority (APDCAT), in collaboration with the Department of Economy and Finance, has launched a 012 campaign on privacy on the Internet and social networks, in order to raise awareness among citizens of the need to be vigilant and to take control of the personal data being shared.
Thus, from Monday 4 July and for two weeks, the different television and radio channels of the Catalan Audiovisual Media Corporation will broadcast a video and an information wedge in prime time, in order to give visibility to this need to maintain a conscious and critical attitude towards the transfer and sharing of personal data.
From an everyday situation, it is emphasized that the Internet and social networks are an open door to private life, and that the information shared there leaves a trace that can have consequences for the present and the future. Therefore, it is recommended to configure the permissions that are granted to applications, to use private browsing, to turn off location, and to use secure passwords.
The APDCAT reminds that the information shared on the Internet and social networks is no longer under control and can be manipulated, which can have negative effects on the personal or professional development of people. In addition, this data may be sold or transferred to third parties, who may use it for purposes unknown to the affected person.
For two weeks, TV3, Catalunya Ràdio and the rest of the media of the Catalan Audiovisual Media Corporation will publish a video and an information wedge with tips to protect privacy on the internet and social networks