The Catalan Data Protection Authority participates from October 5 to 6 in the II Days of the Association of Parliament Data Protection Officers, in Castilla y Leon.
Date05.10.2023 - 06.10.2023
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Source: Catalonia's Parliament
The Catalan Data Protection Authority (APDCAT) participates on October 5 and 6 in the II Days of the Association of Parliament Data Protection Officers, which are held at the Courts of Castilla y Leon. Specifically, the director, Meritxell Borràs, participates on Friday 6 October at 12.30 pm in the presentation of the Data Protection Guide for Parliaments, together with representatives of the Spanish Data Protection Agency, the Basque Data Protection Agency, and the Andalusian Data Protection and Transparency Council. Joana Marí, the data protection officer and manager of strategic projects of the APDCAT, will also attend the meeting.