APDCAT and Public Libraries of Catalonia present the project 'Who are you? Data that talk about you', which includes a dozen activities for children, young people and adults to teach how to protect privacy in libraries.
Date26.01.2023 - 26.01.2023
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Next Thursday, January 26, as part of the commemoration of European Data Protection Day (January 28), the director of the Catalan Data Protection Authority (APDCAT), Meritxell Borràs i Solé, and the director general of Cultural Promotion and Libraries, Josep Vives and Gràcia, present the project "Who are you? Data that speak about you". It is a joint initiative to promote awareness of one's own privacy among children, young people and adults, through fun activities such as games, shows, reading workshops and film forums.
The institutional presentation will take place at 10 am, at the Palau Marc (Rambla, 8. Barcelona). Then, around 11 a.m., the Sant Pau library (c/ del Carme, 47. Barcelona) will host the first activities for children: the storyteller 'La Cotorra' and the magic show 'PassW0rd!', which will give the exit to the project.
In the afternoon, at 6 p.m., the public library of Lleida (Rambla d'Aragó, 10. Lleida) will host the 'PassW0rd!' magic show. You can consult the program by following the link.
Attendance at the presentation is open, but prior registration is required: jornades.apdcat@gencat.cat.