The Catalan Data Protection Authority (APDCAT) organizes from December 27 to 31 the Secure Data Games, within the framework of the Children's Festival.
Date27.12.2022 - 31.12.2022
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This year, the Barcelona 92 Olympic Games will be the central theme of the Festival. That is why the APDCAT has prepared a special Olympics, where children will test their mastery when it comes to protecting personal data in the virtual environment.
The APDCAT stand will be located in the main hall of Palau 2 of the Montjuïc fairgrounds, entering through Plaça de l'Univers. It will host four different tests, which the little ones must overcome to get a medal: the ball pool, where they can "synchronize with their personal data"; the game of the "CursaDada"; baskets to choose "what to put on the net"; and the game "TrobaDada", to locate privacy-related scenes in a drawing. The aim is to teach children how to protect their personal data online and thus spread a culture of privacy and data protection among citizens.