As part of the International Data Protection Day celebrations, the Catalan Data Protection Authority is organizing the conference 'New rules for processing personal data with the United States', in order to deepen the new framework of privacy in the exchange of personal data between Europe and the United States, which affects both companies and public administrations.
Date24.01.2024 - 16.01.2024
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The Catalan Data Protection Authority (APDCAT) is organizing next Wednesday, January 24, the day "New rules for processing personal data with the United States", in order to deepen the privacy implications of the new framework for international data transfers between Europe and the United States, agreed by the European Commission last July. The session is part of the events commemorating the International Data Protection Day, which is celebrated next January 28.
The director of the APDCAT, Meritxell Borràs, will welcome the event at 12 noon. Next, Albert Castellanos, doctor of law, lawyer and associate professor at the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, will delve deeper into the obligations arising from the application of this new agreement between the two territories.Then, a round of questions will open. The event will take place at the Illustrious Bar Association of Barcelona (ICAB) (C/ Mallorca, 283). You can consult the full program.
The European Commission's new adequacy decision enables international data transfers between Europe and companies or organizations established in the United States, with certain conditions. This changes the relationship between the entities responsible for personal data in the European Union and the service providers that process them, when they are based in the United States. For this reason, it is crucial to know and comply with the new guidelines, to adjust data processing if you have these types of international suppliers.