Add to Google CalendarThe Catalan Data Protection Authority (APDCAT) is organizing a conference on the occasion of the celebration of European Data Protection Day.
The event will take place on 28 January 2020, from 10.00 to 12.30, in the Aula Europa, headquarters of the European institutions in Barcelona, Passeig de Gràcia, 90, 08008 Barcelona
After almost two years of applying the GDPR, this event will update key aspects of current regulations and present practical experiences in relation to transparency and the right to information, the legitimacy of the processing of special data categories and notification of data security breaches.
The activity is aimed at the community of data protection experts and professionals.
For more information, consult the event programme.
Attendance is free, but prior registration is required. Places are limited.
We inform you that, as required by security regulations for accessing official European institutions, the name, surname and ID number of registered individuals will be supplied to the European Parliament Information Office in Barcelona and the Delegation of the European Commission in Barcelona. We therefore remind you that once your registration has been confirmed, you will need to send us your ID number. The information will be deleted once the event is over.
Tel. 93 552 7800 – jornades.apdcat@gencat.cat