Next June 13, the Catalan Data Protection Authority will promote the debate around the impact on human rights of high-risk technologies, with a conference by the expert Alessandro Mantelero.
Date13.06.2023 - 13.06.2023
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The Catalan Data Protection Authority (APDCAT) is organizing an open day on June 13 at 12 p.m. to deepen the evaluation of the impact on human rights of high-risk technologies, from an eminently practical and with use cases. Director Meritxell Borràs will welcome the event, which will have the participation of Alessandro Mantelero, member of the Ethics Committee of the Polytechnic University of Turin, scientific expert for the ethical evaluation of the European Research Council ( ERC), expert of the European Data Protection Committee and professor of Private Law and holder of the Jean Monnet Chair of Mediterranean Digital Societies and Law at the Polytechnic University of Turin. The expert will offer the presentation "Human rights, artificial intelligence and new technologies", which will serve as a starting point for the debate on the challenges facing high-risk technologies, and the solutions to mitigate the impacts on human rights in the digital environment.
Human rights impact assessment (HRIA) is destined to play a fundamental role in the framework of AI regulation. It is a tool for high-risk AI solutions, but it is also applicable in other high-impact ICT projects. Although the HRIA is already applied at the business level, it is basically a strategy tool and not a measurement of the level of impact.
The event will take place in the auditorium of the School of Public Administration of Catalonia (c/ de Girona, 20. Barcelona).
Attendance is free and prior registration is required by sending an email to: