The Catalan Data Protection Authority, in collaboration with the School of Public Administration of Catalonia, is organizing the conference 'Challenges for research: from the European area of health data to the European regulation of artificial intelligence (AI)', to highlight the privacy implications of the European Union's new models for shared health data and AI.
Date09.10.2023 - 09.10.2023
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The Catalan Data Protection Authority (APDCAT) and the School of Public Administration of Catalonia (EAPC) are organizing next Monday, October 9, the conference "Challenges for research: of the European data space of health to the European regulation of artificial intelligence (AI)". The purpose of the event is to analize the privacy implications of this model of shared sensitive data and the regulation of artificial intelligence (AI) that the European Union is working on, as well as the challenges they pose for what does research do. The session is part of the closing of the specialized training course for data protection officers (DPO), which the APDCAT organizes in collaboration with the EAPC, and is open to the general public.
The director of the APDCAT, Meritxell Borràs, will be in charge of welcoming the day, at 4 p.m. Next, the director of the Chair of Privacy and Digital Transformation and professor of Constitutional Law at the University of Valencia, Ricard Martínez, will speak with the presentation that gives the conference its name. Afterwards, there will be time for discussion. To finish, the director will give the certificates to the students of the last edition of the data protection officers course. The event will take place in the EAPC event hall (c/ Girona, 20).
The day is open to everyone and requires prior registration:
We inform you that the Catalan Data Protection Authority will process your data in order to carry out control, monitoring and other activities related to the organization of this day, such as the preparation of certificates of attendance. You can access your data, request its rectification or deletion, object to the treatment and request its limitation, by sending your request to the address of the APDCAT: c/ Rosselló, 214, ex. A, 1r 1a, 08008 Barcelona, or through the electronic form you will find in this link.
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