Under protection of the analyzed legislation, the School can publish the information that figures in the Register|Record of registered in the professional association, exercents and not exercents, consistent in name|noun and surnames, number of membership, qualifications, data of professional contact (professional address|home, telephone, electronic mail...) and situation of professional room. Regarding the partners|members, professionals and not professionals, of professional societies|companies, it is necessary to give access to its|his|her|their identification, and, if it suits, the number of membership and professional School of assignment. With respect to the persons responsible of the administration and representation of these societies|companies, access can be given to its|his|her|their identificatives data. In both cases also the data of professional contact can be published. The regulations of data protection do not prevent the publication of the personal address|home of the one registered in the professional association when it|he|she coincides with the professional address|home, without harm of the duty of informing some with character previous to the affected professionals and of the possibility of these opposing to the divulging of this datum when its|his|her|their personal situation justifies it. The regulations of data protection personal it|he|she does not prevent that the particulars of the professionals that can be accessed through the unique|only Window can communicate in third that request them for telephonic way|railway or by|out of|for electronic mail.