The APDCAT participates in international conferences or events on specific areas of data protection or certain sectors particularly affected by data protection regulations, such as the Global Privacy Assembly (GPA), the Conference of European Data Protection Authorities (known as Spring Conference) and the Ibero-American Data Protection Network (RIPD in its Spanish initials).
46th Global Privacy Assembly (GPA), October 2024
Of the resolutions adopted, the following stand out (available in the original version):
Resolution on Data Free Flow with Trust and an effective regulation of global data flows
45th Global Privacy Assembly (GPA), October 2023
Of the resolutions adopted, the following stand out (available in the original version):
Resolution on Generative Artificial Intelligence Systems
Resolution on Artificial Intelligence and Employment
44th Global Privacy Assembly (GPA), October 2022
Of the resolutions adopted, the following stand out (available in the original version):
43th Global Privacy Assembly (GPA), october 2021
Of the resolutions adopted, the following stand out:
Adopted Resolution on children's digital rights
Adopted Resolution on Data Sharing for the Public Good
Adopted resolution on Government Access to Data, Privacy and the Ruleof Law
42th Global Privacy Assembly (GPA), october 2020
Of the resolutions adopted, the following stand out:
Adopted resolution on accountability in the development and use of artificial intelligence
Adopted resolution on facial recognition technology
41th International Conference of Data Protection Authorities, october 2019
Of the resolutions adopted, the following stand out:
The Catalan Data Protection Authority has co-sponsored the resolution.
The following resolutions were also adopted:
Resolution on the Conference’s strategic direction (2019-21)
Resolution on the promotion of new and long-term practical instruments and continued legal efforts for effective cooperation in cross-border enforcement
Resolution to address the role of human error in personal data breaches
Resolution on social media and violent extremist content online
40th International Conference of Data Protection Authorities, october 2018
Declaration and resolutions adopted:
Declaration on Ethics and Data Protection in Artificial Intelligence
Resolution on e-learning platforms
Resolution to amend the ICDPPC rules and procedures
Resolution on a roadmap on the Future of the International Conference
Resolution on Collaboration between Data Protection Authorities and Consumer Protection
Resolution on the Conference Census
39th International Conference of Data Protection Authorities, october 2017
Resolutions adopted:
Resolution on data protection in automated and connected vehicles
Resolution on collaboration between data protection authorities and consumer protection authorities for better protection of citizens and consumers in the digital economy
Resolution on exploring future options for International Enforcement Cooperation (2017)
38th International Conference of Data Protection Authorities, october 2016
Resolutions adopted:
Resolution for the adoption of an international competency framework on privacy education (FTC abstaining)
Resolution on developing new metrics of data protection regulation
Resolution on human rights defenders (FTC abstaining)
Resolution on international cooperation
37th International Conference of Data Protection Authorities, october 2015
Resolutions adopted:
Resolution on Conference’s Strategic Direction (2016-18)
Resolution on Cooperation with UN Special Rapporteur on the Right to Privacy
Resolution on Privacy and International Humanitarian Action
Resolution on Transparency Reporting
36a International Conference of Data Protection Authorities, october 2014
Resolutions adopted:
Resolution on Big Data
Resolution on Enforcement Cooperation (2014)
Resolution on Privacy in the Digital Age
35th International Conference of Data Protection Authorities, setember 2013
Declaration and resolutions adopted:
Digital education resolution
Enforcement coordination resolution
International law resolution
Openness resolution
Profiling resolution
Strategic direction resolution
Web tracking resolution
34th International Conference of Data Protection Authorities, october 2012
Declaration and resolutions adopted:
Resolution on the Future of Privacy
- 33a, Mèxico, 2011
- 32a, Jerusalem (Israel), 2010
- 31a, Madrid (Espanya), 2009
- 30a, Estrasburg (França), 2008
- 29a, Montreal (Canadà), 2007
- 28a, Londres (Regne Unit), 2006 (comunicat de clausura)
- 27a, Montreux (Suïssa), 2005
- 26a, Breslau (Polònia), 2004
- 25a, Sydney (Austràlia), 2003